Important Announcement – We are pregnant!

Stork_Blue_PCJennifer and I are proud to announce that we are expecting a baby.  This is our first child and we are totally excited about it. Our expected due date is March 8th 2016.

Jenn and I have always had good conversations about when to have kids and how they would fit into our travel lifestyle.  Well we had thought about this long and hard last summer when looking into booking our trip to Tanzania.  We knew that a trip to Africa would not be a place we would want to travel with a newborn, baby, toddler, kid or early teen. The logistics of it just didn’t add up for us.  So we decided to make Tanzania our last trip before our serious discussion about when to have a baby.

Once we returned in December 2014, we had a few long talks about how we were doing financially, emotionally and mentally to get into the right mindset to agree that in April was the right time to make preparations to have a child.  We visited our doctor to get some advice on what good steps there were to take before getting pregnant.

She mentioned the use of DHA in the first few months of development, and a prenatal vitamin and healthy diet were the best things we could do.  So Jenn and I went to Costco to get a giant size bottle of vitamins and decided to have her stop taking her contraceptives.  It was only a few weeks until Jenn had an idea she might be pregnant.  She kept things on the down-low from me and surprised me later on.

Jeff McNeil

Born in Irvine, grew up in Anaheim,child of the world. Married to the love of my life Jennifer McNeil.

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